
From learning how our products have worked for others to discovering your own potential water and cost savings, we’ve compiled several informative resources to help you learn more about NIMBUS and keep your cooling systems in top condition.

Case Studies

NIMBUS Advanced Process Cooling’s solutions have helped customers across all types of industries. Below you’ll find examples of how NIMBUS enhances cooling based on specific needs and unique challenges.

Delivering Cooling For an Ohio Fast Food Restaurant




VIRGA™ III™ Hybrid Adiabatic Cooling System



When students returned to The Ohio State University this fall, they found a new fast food option in the heart of campus. Located on the ground floor of a six-story apartment building, the new restaurant’s cooling includes a VIRGA III hybrid adiabatic cooling system by NIMBUS.

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Advancing the Process of Cooling in a Michigan Foundry


Metal Manufacturing


VIRGA™ III™ Hybrid Adiabatic Cooling System



With melting furnaces reaching several thousand degrees, foundries are some of the hottest manufacturing facilities in the world. Early on, the NIMBUS team was approached by a well-established, forward-thinking foundry to help cool its process.

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BE BLUE Calculator

Discover your potential to Be Blue. This calculator estimates your water use and what you could save using VIRGA III’s hybrid adiabatic cooling technology over traditional fluid cooling towers.

Product Information

NIMBUS is continuously updating its product line to meet the ever-changing regulations and demands of the cooling industry. Find the most up-to-date product specifications and user guides here.


NIMBUS sets your facility up for success. Find recommended maintenance checklists and other maintenance guidance to keep your cooling systems in peak operational condition.


Discover more about how our products evolved, the challenges they overcome and how you can count on their performance, even under the most demanding circumstances.

Adiabatic Cooling Applications: Data Centers

As the demand for data center access, storage, and consumption increases, advanced, reliable, and cost-efficient cooling systems are essential.

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Hybrid Adiabatic Process Cooling

Our hybrid adiabatic cooling process provides significant conservation benefits across water, energy and health. Find out how it unlocks savings and drives long-term ROI.

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Let’s tackle your next cooling project together.